- Tenzo Welcome Pack Videos!
- New Billing section in Admin
- Date Ranges and Comparison Periods explained
- Top Tenzo Most Used Cards
- Using the Tenzo Mobile App
- View a card on your Overview page
Account Customisation
- Changing Metric Formatter
- Custom Reserved Guests and Spend per Reserved Guests Cards
- How can I make a "Like for Like only" card
- Default Filters in Custom Cards
- Graph Axis, and having both bars and lines within the same card
- Card Formats: Turning a table card into a graphical card and all others
Users Management
- How do I manage User Groups?
- How can I add, edit or remove a new user to our Tenzo account?
- Troubleshooting adding a new user to your Tenzo account
- How do I re-invite a user?
- How do I make a Tenzo user an Administrator?
- Multibusiness users - how does it work and how to add one
Sales Module
- Understanding your sales performance
- What is the difference between Sales Mix and Attachment?
- Understanding Sales Attachment
- Can I view my sales with and without VAT in Tenzo?
- How are the Hourly sales from Operations By Hour displayed in Tenzo?
- How can I see how far I am from my monthly budget at a given day of the month?
Forecasting Module
- Tenzo Forecasting Calendars Early Release
- Forecasting Overview: what it is and how it works
- What's the difference between budgeting and forecasting in Tenzo?
- Forecasting your future sales
- How much historical sales data does Tenzo require for the forecast to be accurate?
- What is the smallest time interval Tenzo can forecast for?
Labour Module
Social Module
Inventory Module
- My Tenzo App is not loading
- How to re-install the Tenzo app on Android & Apple if it crashes?
- Uploading Sales Budgets: FAQs and Troubleshooting
- I see "Not Available" as Division or Category - what does it mean?
- My sales in Tenzo are not matching my Point of Sale, what do I do?
- Why is my Part of Day in Operations module not matching my integration?
Frequently Asked Questions
- Forgot your Tenzo Password?
- How do I contact Tenzo?
- Billing Queries
- How many people can have access to a Tenzo account?
- Can my data in Tenzo be sent out in email reports?
- How do I unsubscribe from an email report list?