To give you useful, actionable insights from your business, Tenzo pulls your data into different Modules: Labour, Inventory, Social, Forecasting - and Sales.
Within the Sales Module, you can see your top-level sales broken down into: Product Division, Product Category, Product Item, Order Type, and Revenue Center.
To know more about Order Type and Revenue Centers you can read this article.
How do Divisions, Categories and Items work?
You can think of Product Division > Product Category > Product Item as a hierarchy where each of these menus is contained within the previous one.
A Division includes many Categories, and a Category includes many Items.
You can always drill down into your menu hierarchy in the Sales Module.
- For example, if you click on a Location:
It will take you to Product Divisions sales for that Location:
- If you then click on a Product Division:
You will be taken to Product Category sales for that Division and Location:
1. Product Division
Product Divisions are the first breakdown of your sales - quite often customers split their sales into Food and Drink. Depending on your type of business you may have more or different divisions.
Here you can, for example, compare the trends in the performance of Food vs Drink sales over time:
2. Product Category
Product Categories are the second breakdown.
These are categories included within one of your divisions, as per the example below: "Food" contains Salad, Sandwiches, Snacks, etc.
You can look at Sales Mix to compare the % of sales that each category represents:
3. Product Items
Product Items are the third and last breakdown, and they are contained in your categories.
For example, items included within the "Salad" category below include Beef Salad or Caesar Salad.
It's possible to compare how two or more items' sales are trending over time in the sales trends view:
And you can also measure the Attachment of an Item, that tells you how many times said item appears on a transaction. It can be very useful if you wish to upsell an item and track it throughout time.
Mobile App
Your Product Divisions and Product Categories can also be viewed in your mobile app:
All your data is extracted directly from your POS integration - the names you see in Product Divisions, Product Categories and Product Items will be the same as in your POS.
If you have any further questions, please contact your CSM and drop us an email at
Happy Tenzo'ing!
#sales #data
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